Our policy & procedure creation services include:

• New Hire Contracts
• Discrimination, Equality & Diversity Policies
• Department Restructuring
• Annual Leave & Entitlements
• Sickness & Absence Policies
• Maternity & Paternity Entitlement

• Fair Working Conditions & Wages Policies
• Operational Procedures
• Fire & Evactuation Procedures
• Health & Safety Procedures
• Corporate Responsibility

Company Policy & Procedure Creation

Whatever the size of a business, each must implement a set of robust and well-written policies and procedures that can be easily accessed and referenced for accurate directions. As a business grows and expands its employee base so does the need for the development of policies and procedures that can be effectively communicated across departments, therefore aligning the expectations of employment.

A one size fits all approach is rarely conducive and can leave an organisation vulnerable to legal repercussions should inferior policies and procedures be in place. A policy that works for a banking institute may fail to support a luxury goods brand; therefore, bespoke development is key to success. An area organisations often neglect to effectively manage is the induction of new hires. Failure to guarantee that new hires understand what is expected from them and their behaviour will result in possible legal implementations in the future.

Our HR consultants have gained years of experience developing and writing bespoke policies and procedures for clients across a range of industries, ensuring our clients are legally compliant at all times. Growing attention on equality within the workplace has meant that many organisations have needed to re-evaluate their existing policies and develop stringent equality and diversity policies that protect every employee by clearly outlining unacceptable behaviour in the workplace. Each employee has a legal right to be protected against workplace discrimination and work in a safe and nurturing environment. Many of our HR consultants have specialist knowledge in law and social policy which has been an invaluable asset for the creation of contemporary inclusion policies for our clients.